sábado, 14 de setembro de 2013

How to clean: the sandpaper skate?

So folks, at least I had many doubts about it, once I stepped in the mud and then the shape. To clean sandpaper is easy, you know those BRUSHES brushing carpet? So just one of those wet with water and put detergent, brush and sandpaper, and it does not hurt to get wet with just sandpaper scrubbing brush had lost none of his performance, scrub, and then just take a towel, old cloth, or a paper towel and just let up on the sanding, fixing it right now and get ready, your sandpaper'll be brand new!

What you should have a bag of tools skate:

What you should have a bag of tools skateboarding is:
- Lubricant WD-40
- Silver Tool
- A cloth (preferably old)
- Screws alternates
This was the post of the week, folks, now I leave you some links here below:

quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013


Well, personally I for next week and the rest of the year will not have much time to excrever blog, so I can only write on Saturdays. Until the next.

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

New Pic

What to do when the bearings go less

Well, for meteres your bearings to rotate more, you'll need:
WD-40 Lubricant
Cloth (any one)
First you have to do is, take the wheel bearings and put them on the cloth. After raisins with the same cloth for the bearings to remove dirt and etc..
After metes bearings in the wheels and raisins lube and you're done! Your bearings are well and run better.
Why can not we just get the lubricant directly on the wheel without wheel strip them and passes them through the cloth?
You can not do this, because if not, the story bearings are even more garbage than it already had and ultimately ruin the bearings.